Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help

From Nature, 22 May 2024: As a vocal advocate of vaccinations for public health, Peter Hotez was no stranger to online harassment and threats. But then the abuse showed up on his doorstep. It was a Sunday during a brutal Texas heatwave in June 2023 when a man turned up at Hotez’s home, filming himself Continue reading Harassment of scientists is surging — institutions aren’t sure how to help

‘I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists

From Nature, 14 October 2021: Infectious-diseases physician Krutika Kuppalli had been in her new job for barely a week in September 2020, when someone phoned her at home and threatened to kill her. Kuppalli, who had just moved from California to the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, had been dealing with online abuse Continue reading ‘I hope you die’: how the COVID pandemic unleashed attacks on scientists

Mounting evidence suggests Sputnik COVID vaccine is safe and effective

From Nature News, 7 July 2021: Russia’s COVID-19 vaccine, Sputnik, has been the subject of fascination and controversy since the Russian government authorized its use last year, before early-stage trial results were published. Evidence from Russia and many other countries now suggests it is safe and effective — but questions remain about the quality of Continue reading Mounting evidence suggests Sputnik COVID vaccine is safe and effective